Supporting the H&FRHS
Tax-deductible financial donations provide funds to support current activities, expand our education and preservation efforts.
We preserve several thousand artifacts, documents and photographs and happily accept and preserve related items to this collection for future generations.
Become a member of the H&FRHS to provide ongoing support and show that you truly believe that preserving this history is important!
Financial Donations
Our organization is a registered 501(c)3 not for profit organization which operates solely on contributions to operate. We are also an entirely volunteer organization with no paid staff or officers. All donations to the society are tax deductible and directly benefit our mission.
General Fund
Donations that are not designated are added to our General Fund and are used at the organization’s discretion. These funds can support everything from operating expenses to outreach and archives.
Other funds
You may choose to designate your donation to support specific parts of our mission:
- Archival funds support the acquisition of new artifacts and the preservation of items in our collection.
- Outreach funds help to revise and upgrade elements of our mobile exhibit for events and festivals, as well as printed outreach materials, brochures, and other activities to grow awareness of the H&F Railway and the H&FRHS.
H&F Railway Endowment
The H&F Railway Fund is an endowment managed by the Community Foundation of Frederick County, Maryland. It was created by Society founder Alex Postpischil. While not directly linked to the H&FRHS, the endowment supports our society and efforts. Learn more about this fund and how to donate by visiting H&F Railway Fund page on the Community Foundation of Frederick County website.

Artifact Donations
The Society maintains an archive of photographs, documents and small artifacts in Boonsboro, Maryland. This collection is made available to researchers and preserved for future generations. Select items also are included in exhibits around the region. We accept most donations of items related to subjects in the list below.
- Trolleys in Frederick County or Washington County, Maryland
- Hagerstown & Frederick Railway
- Frederick & Middletown Railway
- Frederick Railroad Company
- Hagerstown Railway Company
- Potomac Edison 1923-1961
- Potomac Public Service Company
- Chambersburg, Greencastle & Waynesboro Street Railway
- Washington, Frederick & Gettysburg Railway
- Monocacy Valley Railroad
- Frederick, Thurmont & Northern Railway
- Braddock Heights
- Braddock Heights Amusement Park
- Funkstown Amusement Park
(known as Watts Park, Willow Grove Park, or Electric Park)
If you or a loved one has a collection of artifacts you would like to protect in the future, we encourage you to donate or bequeath them to the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway Historical Society, Inc. Any donated items that are not able to be used or preserved by the Society will be transferred to another organization that can make use of those items or used in a manner that will aid in better preserving items retained in the archives.
If you would like to learn more about how you can contribute items to our collection, please feel free to reach out to us with the form below or by mail to: P.O. Box 1314, Frederick, MD 21702.