Joining the H&FRHS
Consider joining the H&FRHS today. Members receive our quarterly Trolleywire Newsletter as well as access to twenty years of digital Trolleywire back-issues and additional resources on our website.
Members are also an essential part of our work and can chose to volunteer time toward all our activities and projects ranging from outreach programs to archives and administrative roles.
The society is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit educational organization and we have no paid staff. Your membership dues and donations fund the publication of our newsletter and all other activities.
There are three membership levels | ||
Individual | $20.00 | Membership for a single person |
Family | $30.00 | Membership for your immediate family (List all names on your application) |
Benefactor | $50.00+ | Any companies or individuals wishing to show more support for the HFRHS may apply for a Benefactor membership in any amount $50 or over. |

Membership in the HFRHS is annual, and good from date purchased to December 31.
(50% discount September – November)
Please note that dues are tax deductible.
To apply, print the membership form on our Brochure, or print the below form and remit with your payment.
Membership Form
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________________
Phone: _______________________________ Email: __________________________________________
Main Interest: __________________________________________________________________________
Skills that would help the Society: __________________________________________________________
Please remit US funds and the membership form to:
Hagerstown and Frederick Railway Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 1314
Frederick, MD 21702-0314