The H&FRHS maintains an archive that contains well over 1000 photographs, documents and artifacts related to the Hagerstown & Frederick Railway Company dating from 1898 to modern memorabilia. We also work with several other organizations who preserve similar collections of H&F history.

Over the course of the year we travel to community events throughout the region and in many cases offer a small portable exhibition of a selection of artifacts and photographs. Some artifacts are also on display at Hobbytown USA in Frederick, MD. We would someday like to have a home more suitable for our archives and exhibits. In the meantime please enjoy these selections of images which help to tell the H&F story.

The Early Days – 1896-1912
Learn about the beginnings of trolley service in Frederick & Washington Counties in Maryland
Merging with the Times – 1913-1921
As the area began to desire more electricity, two systems become one and the company begins going in a new direction.
Illuminating a New Name – 1923 – 1941
The railway officially takes the back seat in company business as it continues to evolve into a new empire, and the service declines.
Steel from the Front, for the Front – 1942-1946
After closing many of its routes, gas rationing and Army facilities give a boost of business to the remaining system.
The End of an Era – 1946 – 1955
With the end of the war came the slow death of the local trolley network.
The Memories we Keep
From trolley parts to modern decorations, see how the H&F has been kept alive in the minds and memories of those across the country.